

The content of this website is provided only under the conditions below.
Using this website is deemed as a consent to these conditions.

The content of this website is subject to change at any time and without any prior announcement.

The correctness and up-to-dateness of the information provided by WATCH via e-mail or on this website ("information") are examined thoroughly considering the law, practical experience, common opinion in jurisdiction and theory and other sources.
Nevertheless, WATCH disclaims all liability with respect to the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the information. This shall also apply to the information of any hyper-linked websites.

WATCH provides the information exclusively for informational purposes. However, based on the information, every user of this website or the recipient of the e-mail sent by WATCH ("user") has to decide on his or her own responsibility whether and how to act.

WATCH shall not be liable for any damages arising from any actions the user takes or does not take based on the information, or any other damages resulting from the use of this website or other internet resources hyper-linked to this website.

Especially, WATCH shall not be liable for any decisions made by third parties, such as immigration authorities, embassies and consulates, in the particular cases and for any damages, such as travel expenses and other expenses, arising from the fact that the user fails to enter Japan.

Providing information or using/viewing it does not create an attorney-client relationship between the user and WATCH.

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